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KeyFob RKE Programming Procedure: Peugeot 806 1998-2002

KeyFob RKE Programming Procedure-Peugeot 806 1998-2002

Peugeot 806 1998-2002 KeyFob Remote Keyless Entry Programming Procedure



How to Program Peugeot 806 KeyFob Remote Keyless Entry for the year 1998-2002


Re-initializing Procedure

Note. If battery is replaced inside key fob or if key fob buttons are operated repeatedly whilst vehicle is out of range and central locking / alarm system becomes inoperative, carry out the following reinitializing procedure.

  • Switch the ignition to the “ON” position
    • Wait for alarm system LED to turn “OFF” (if LED fitted) or wait for approximately 10 seconds (If LED not fitted)
    • Within 30 seconds: Press either the “Lock” or “Un-lock” button on the key fob


KeyFob RKE Programming Procedure: Peugeot 806 1998-2002


  • Within 10 seconds: Press either the “Lock” or “Un-lock” button on the key fob.
  • Ensure alarm system LED (if fitted) turns “ON” for a split second.
  • Key fob is re-initialized.
  • Repeat above procedure to re-initialize any remaining key fobs.
  • Confirm operation of key fob by locking and unlocking vehicle using key fob buttons.




About Peugeot 806

The first generation Eurovans were marketed as the Citroën Evasion (Citroen Synergie in the UK), Fiat Ulysse, Lancia Zeta and Peugeot 806. The second generation models were all renamed, except the Fiat Ulysse, with the nameplates now Citroën C8, Lancia Phedra and Peugeot 807.

The Eurovans were almost identical, the differences consisting in different grilles, lower tailgates/taillights, wheel covers/alloy wheels and exterior and interior badging, as well as different trim levels. In October 1998, the Eurovans were mildly facelifted.

Inside, the gear lever was mounted on the dashboard rather than on the floor, and the handbrake is on the door side of the driver’s seat, which allowed for the removal of middle console and opened up a passage between the front seats. The seating configurations included two fixed seats (swivelling on some models) in front and three individual removable seats in the middle row, along with optional two individual removable seats or a three seater bench in the third row. (Source Wiki)

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