KeyFob RKE Programming Procedure: Renault Megane 1995-2001

Renault Megane 1995-2001 KeyFob Remote Keyless Entry Programming Procedure
How to Program Renault Megane KeyFob Remote Keyless Entry for the year 1995 and 2001
Re-initializing Procedure – Radio frequency key fobs only
Note. If key fob buttons are operated repeatedly whilst vehicle is out of range and central locking / alarm system becomes inoperative, carry out the following re-initializing procedure.
- Press and hold the “Lock / Unlock” button on the key fob for more than 10 seconds.
- The red LED should extinguish.79
- Point the remote at the car and press the “Lock / Unlock” button on the key fob 3 times.
- Confirm the remote locks and unlocks the central locking system
Programming Procedure
Note. If the central locking / alarm system is malfunctioning or a replacement key fob is obtained. The following programming procedure is required to be carried out before the key fob will operate correctly.
- Replacement key fobs can only be programmed using diagnostic equipment
- Refer to the iKEYS software for further information.
Note. A maximum of 2 key fobs can be programmed to the vehicle
About Renault Megane
Development of the X64 began at the beginning of 1990, with the first sketches of X64 programme being drawn during the first six months of 1990. Very quickly, several themes were outlined and developed into four small scale (1/5) models by September 1990.
The designs retained were developed around four themes. Theme A: a six light version, evoking the Laguna; Theme B: a model with a markedly cuneiform line; Theme C: another design with ellipse shaped glasswork and rear notch; Theme D: a model with the same elliptical glazing and rounded rear. (Source Wiki)